Day 30

Walk Away from Insecurity

Who will separate us from the love of Christ?

– Romans 8:35 NASB –

The enemy will relentlessly try to get you to believe God has abandoned you – that you’ve finally crossed the line and God has forsaken you. The enemy will claim that God is not good, that His promises have failed, and He doesn’t really care about you. Nothing could be further from the truth. We may forget God, but God will never forget us. Do not doubt the goodness of God, the strength of His promises or the depth of His love for you. He hears your cries! He sees your heart. You are safe in His loving arms and nothing, not even the valley of the shadow of death, can ever separate you from His love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Fear not, child of God! Your name is written in Lamb’s book of Life. And how great is His faithfulness!

This is who you are.

Walk away from Insecurity!

